Growing Christmas Tree's Belfield Farm has been in the Sugrue family for 185 years. We work extremely hard and are very proud to produce a chemical free Christmas tree right here in Farmers Bridge, Tralee, County Kerry. We do this with not only future Sugrue generations in mind but all future generations.

All Christmas trees are grown from seed which are grown in specialist nurseries for up to 3 years. The trees are then planted out in the field and fertilised naturally as required by soil testing and observation by the expert grower. We use a combination of rare breed Shropshire Sheep and chicken pellets for weed control and fertilisation. The next stage is the base pruning which is the removal of the lower branches to make weed control and feeding easier and also increases airflow throughout the plantation. This is done at about year 3 after planting. As trees reach 4 to 5 foot high we start to bud pick the top whorl each May. This helps to give the tree is traditional conical shape and increase the full appearance near the top. Leader control also starts about this time which is a process to slow the growth of the leader to again give a fuller appearance nearer the top. This can be carried out up to three times in the months of June and July. Throughout their time on the farm we continuously prune and shape our trees to achieve the best fullest looking tree possible. We are always watching our trees to ensure that they are not under attack from any pests or diseases.

Why Buy a Real Irish Christmas tree?

  1. Irish Christmas trees are really fresh due to the reduced travel stress on them.
  2. Once cared for properly, non-shedding trees such as the Noble Fir , Nordman fir and Lodgepole Pine will not lose their needles.
  3. Real Christmas trees remain good value and can be recycled after use at locations nationwide, creating compost for gardens and landscape use.
  4. Each tree is cultured as an individual tree and produced to the highest quality standards from the time they are planted right through to delivery.
  5. In accordance with sustainable yield management promoted by the Forest Service new Christmas trees are continually being planted to replace those trees harvested.
  6. During the ten year growing period one hectare of Christmas trees produces between 70 and 105 tons of oxygen